Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I finished the Guitars that I started at the Festival this past week end.  I added strings, and some music.
Not sure about the strings yet. I may do away with some. I am still trying to decide. I don't like cutting paper and putting on my work, but I didn't really know how else to put the strings. I never did find any stripes that would work!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Festival in Lubbock

This past week end, I attended the Wine and Clay Festival in Lubbock TX at the LLano Estacado Winery.
  You can see the big vats. Wow! they would hold a lot of grape juice! The Guitar collage is what I did while there. I still need to put strings on them, and I may put some music in the back ground. Not sure yet. This piece has given me some ideas on some more larger ones.
I sold 4 pieces while there, and is always fun to move some out, to have room for more!

At the Fair

I was acceptd into the New Mexico watercolor society show again this year. It will be in Las Cruces NM instead of Albuquerque NM The theme ...