Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas is Coming!

Christmas is almost here! Once Thanksgiving Dinner is over, people start shopping, putting up decorations, etc. Anything that has to do with Christmas is such fun!  My prayer is that we will be sure and remember the REAL reason that we celebrate this very special holiday. I have done a lot of Christmas images, and don't ever want it to lose it's special meaning. I am so blessed that He gives me the ideas, and the images so that i can share them, as well as the true meaning that we have Christmas!

So here is #2  of my Christmas paintings, hopefully I will post a new one every other day or so.
Just for fun, to keep the season bright and merry!
All of these I can make into cards too, so if you are interested, let me know!

At the Fair

I was acceptd into the New Mexico watercolor society show again this year. It will be in Las Cruces NM instead of Albuquerque NM The theme ...