Wednesday, October 29, 2014

This Week's Sketches and Homework

Sketched from a little decoration I have.

Our homework this week in Sketchbook Skool Storytelling was to draw in Black and White. We were to just choose people from magazines or our own photos. The first two were from magazines, and the other two were from a trip somewhere. I like the stark black and white.  I used a pentel brush pen to do the black background.  I drew with pencil first, then a Pitt drawing pen.

The white petunias I drew with the tobacco ink that I like so much. and the geraniums with Noodlers Lexington Gray. These Flowers were from my yard, and porch.

At the Fair

I was acceptd into the New Mexico watercolor society show again this year. It will be in Las Cruces NM instead of Albuquerque NM The theme ...